
目前顯示的是 8月, 2008的文章


造成方向機警示燈亮起故障的原因有: 1.扭矩感知器故障 2.動力輔助馬達故障 造成扭矩感知器故障的原因常有: 1.定位跑掉 2.太過經常性的原定轉動,尤其在不平整的地面上 3.強大的外力造成方向機機柱或舵桿變形 4.電壓不穩定 5.避震器、三腳架、傳動軸故障 造成輔助馬達故障的原因常有: 1.經常性的使用CITY模式,尤其在市區行駛,會造成city模式開關頻率過高 2.在停車時,方向盤轉動過快(尤其是開啟city模式) 3.方向盤經常性打到底(尤其是開啟city模式) 4.電壓不穩定 5.電源接頭接觸不良 若發生機率並不高,建議您先從周邊簡單的東西檢查起 建議檢查項目: 1.傳動軸-傳動軸萬向軸裡面的滾珠軸承會因為磨損而產生間隙,可翻修 2.避震器-檢查是否漏油,上座的橡膠是否老化產生間隙,防塵套及饅頭是否破損,這些都算是消耗品,換新即可 3.三腳架-檢查橡皮是否硬化產生間隙,換新即可 4.電瓶-請師父檢查(車子發動時)電壓是否正常,電壓不足會發生無法預期的後果 5.全車接地線組,尤其是方向機馬達的線組,可將插頭拔起清潔後再接回,順便檢查方向機馬達是否正常(插原廠電腦便可檢知是馬達或扭矩感應器故障)

About "Blue & Me" Technologic

出處: Fiat.com ‘Blue&Me™’, the innovative telematic solution for cars, receives its world preview in Geneva The first results of the strategic partnership between Fiat Auto and Microsoft will have its world première at the up-coming Geneva Motor Show: its name is Blue&Me™ . Blue&Me™ is the new system based on Windows Mobile™ that makes driving safer and more comfortable, in the process revolutionising standards of in-car communication, information and entertainment. The first fruit of the strategic industrial partnership formed in 2004 between Fiat Auto and Microsoft Business Unit Automotive for the development of innovative telematic systems for the car industry, Blue&Me™ will be available exclusively on the new Fiat models and, in the spring, also on the Grande Punto . Blue&Me™, based on Windows Mobile™, uses an open, updatable system with modular contents that can be associated with a service offer: with the support of Magneti Marelli, a platform has been de...